---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lucy Collinson" <
[hidden email]>
Date: 27 Jul 2016 10:45
Subject: Leaving the EU: implications and opportunities for science and
research inquiry
To: <
[hidden email]>
Hi everyone
Please see the call for written submissions for the *Leaving the EU:
implications and opportunities for science and research inquiry *here…
Please do forward this to your colleagues/ institutions/ universities, as
it seems to be a bit under the radar. The deadline has just been extended
to *Monday 22nd August*.
Some tips from a friend who works with the committee on writing submissions…
*What is a select committee? *
A cross-party group of MPs who investigate and make recommendations about
what the government are doing or might do. They can't force the government
to do things, but they can be very influential.
*What is evidence?*
Just stuff the committee will take into account when making
recommendations. It's not like academic evidence.
*Hints and tips*
- They will make recommendations with or without your expertise, so you
may as well get involved - lobbyists will be.
- Answer the questions in the call to evidence.
- But you don't have to answer all the questions.
- Don't use acronyms or jargon - aim your submission at intelligent
non-specialists (your mum or dad)
- They can only take into account the evidence they receive; if you
don't tell them, they won't know.
- They love bullet points.
- Keep it short.
- Keep to the point.
- Be bold! Make recommendations.
- Never never say "therefore more evidence is needed”.
Lucy Collinson PhD
Head of Electron Microscopy
The Francis Crick Institute
Lincoln's Inn Fields Laboratory
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields
T: 020 7269 3698
[hidden email]
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