Gamma Adjustment Slider Addition

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Gamma Adjustment Slider Addition

Jason NoSpam

My group is trying to expand the B & C popup window (ConstrastAdjuster plugin) to have an additional slider bar for Gamma adjustment of images.  

We managed to add a Gamma slider to B & C popup, but it is not working properly.  When you move the Gamma slider, the change is not gradual (as the sliders work for the brightness & contrast) and is sort of ON or OFF.  

Below is the code we added to the ContrastAdjuster plugin (B & C Window).  Is there something wrong with our calculations for Gamma and/or usage of the built-in Gamma function in ImageJ?


// variable declaration
 int contrast, brightness, gammav;
 Scrollbar  minSlider, maxSlider, contrastSlider,   brightnessSlider,  gammaSlider;

// The code that adds the slider to the Pop-up  plugin

// gamma slider
if (!balance)
gammaSlider = new  Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, sliderRange/2, 1, 0, sliderRange);
c.gridy =  y++;
c.insets = new Insets(2, 10, 0,  10);
gridbag.setConstraints(gammaSlider,  c);
if (windowLevel)
addLabel("Window: ",  windowLabel=new TrimmedLabel("        "));
addLabel("Gamma",  null);

//The function that does the gamma  adjustments

void adjustGamma(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip, int  gvalue)
double slope;
double center = min + (max-min)/2.0;
double  range = defaultMax-defaultMin;
double mid = sliderRange/2;
if  (gvalue<=mid)
slope = gvalue/mid;
slope =  mid/(sliderRange-gvalue);
if (slope>0.0)
min =  center-(0.5*range)/slope;
max =  center+(0.5*range)/slope;
//setMinAndMax(ip, min, max);
double gval =  gvalue;
if (RGBImage) doMasking(imp,  ip);

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