If you save the image with ImageJ the georeferenced context gets lost in the *.tiff image.
I would simply use the gdal library (with command line tools) to reproject the images.
Here is an useful example how you can do that with rgdal (extract the info and reproject):
http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/65998/how-can-i-use-gdal-to-batch-define-a-projectionSince you are using a IJ macro you can call gdalwarp from within your macro with a native call:
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/ExecExamples.txt(or convert all images with a batch procedure at the end).
I often use rgdal (
http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rgdal/index.html) which is an easy to use R wrapper for the gdal library.
If you are interested in here i replied to an answer concerning the use of masks and reprojection with ImageJ and R within my application:
http://bio7.org/?page_id=1918Another possibility is to use the existing java gdal wrapper, GeoTools library or maybe rewrite the *.tiff header (i found this suggestion on the mailing list -
But since you are using a macro the first suggestions seems to be appropriate.