Getting access to the channels in a CompositeImage as separate images/processors

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Getting access to the channels in a CompositeImage as separate images/processors

Ed Simmons
Hi IJ List,

I'm sure I've asked this question before but my search of the archive
has turned up no results.

I have a composite image containing two channels - this comes from
Micro-manager (it's the live window) and I'm trying to get the two
channels as separate imp/imageprocessor, one per channel.

I have tried setting the channel of the source imp, then
getChannelProcessor, this seems to give me two copies of the second channel.

I duplicate the source imp, then wish to get access to each of the
channels as a separate image to carry out further processing.

Please could someone point me in the right direction...?

Many thanks,

Ed Simmons
[hidden email]

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Re: Getting access to the channels in a CompositeImage as separate images/processors

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On Oct 23, 2013, at 5:25 AM, Ed Simmons wrote:

> Hi IJ List,
> I'm sure I've asked this question before but my search of the archive
> has turned up no results.
> I have a composite image containing two channels - this comes from
> Micro-manager (it's the live window) and I'm trying to get the two
> channels as separate imp/imageprocessor, one per channel.
> I have tried setting the channel of the source imp, then
> getChannelProcessor, this seems to give me two copies of the second channel.
> I duplicate the source imp, then wish to get access to each of the
> channels as a separate image to carry out further processing.
> Please could someone point me in the right direction...?

Get the stack associated with the composite image and retrieve the first two images from the stack. Here is a JavaScript example that downloads the Hela Cells sample image, duplicates it, then retrieves the first two channels and displays them as separate images.

 imp = IJ.openImage("");
 imp2 = imp.duplicate();
 stack = imp.getStack();
 channel1 = stack.getProcessor(1);
 channel2 = stack.getProcessor(2);
 new ImagePlus("channel1", channel1).show();
 new ImagePlus("channel2", channel2).show();

You will need to convert hyperstack positions to a stack positions if the composite image has multiples slices and/or frames. This example retrieves and displays the first two channels of slice 6 of the Organ of Corti sample image. It uses the ImagePlus.getStackIndex(c,z,t) method to convert hyperstack positions to stack positions.

 imp = IJ.openImage("");
 imp2 = imp.duplicate();
 stack = imp.getStack();
 channel1 = stack.getProcessor(imp2.getStackIndex(1, 6, 1));
 channel2 = stack.getProcessor(imp2.getStackIndex(2, 6, 1));
 new ImagePlus("C1Z6", channel1).show();
 new ImagePlus("C2Z6", channel2).show();


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