I am using the peak finding tool of Tiago Ferreira written in Beanshell (
I exported it as a .jar so that I can access it from the addon menu.
The problem I have is that I want to get the actual maxima and minima values automatically with a Macro.
I wrote this so far, with "FindPeaks" being the .jar I exported. The macro is supposed to run with a selected image.
run("Select All");
setKeyDown("alt"); run("Plot Profile");
run("FindPeaks ", "min._peak_amplitude=0.15 min._peak_distance=0 min._value=NaN max._value=NaN");
Plot.getValues(x0, y0);
for (i=0; i<x0.length; i++)
When you run the addon, you get the Plot Profile with all the peaks and minima marked.
What I want to do is get the actual coordinates of the peaks, but the getvalues command only gives me the standard data of the plot profile.
When I click the 'List' button of the Plot Profile with the marked peaks, I get 6 columns. The first 2 are again the standard values of the Plot Profile. The 3.-6. column however are the coordinates of the maxima and minima. How do I access them? I tried Plot.getValues(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2), but that doesn't work either.