Dear colleagues,
please help spread the word regarding the "Göttingen SPIRIT Summer School" (June 30 - July 4, 2014) aimed at PhD students and post docs (less than 3 years post PhD) interested in "multi-modal, molecular imaging". Attendees will have a chance to briefly introduce and discuss their work and then participate and interact in lectures held by distinguished, experienced speakers.
Attendance is free, but applications must be sent in by May 15th. For application information, please consult the flyer (PDF) located at: will include:
- multimodal imaging, translational medical imaging, probe design, nano medicine, high-resolution fluorescence and x-ray microscopy, STED microscopy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, live cell imaging, multiphoton microscopy, in vivo optical imaging, ultrasound, MRI, SPECT, PET
Many greetings,
* * * * *
Mišo Mitkovski, M.Sc., Dr. rer. nat.
Light Microscopy Facility
Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine
Hermann-Rein-Str. 3
37075 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 3899 504
Fax +49 551 3899 644
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