Help with a simple if statement

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Help with a simple if statement

I am writing a script that asks the user a Yes/No question. If the user selects "Yes", the script will run through a if statement, otherwise, it will skip the if statement:

choices = newArray("Yes", "No");
Dialog.create("Select choice");
Dialog.addMessage("Are there any areas that need to be removed?");
Dialog.addChoice("-->", choices);;
choice = Dialog.getChoice();
if  (choice == "Yes") {
title = "Removal";
msg = "After selecting area to be removed with the brush tool, click \"OK\".";
waitForUser(title, msg);


Dialog.create("Select choice");
Dialog.addMessage("Are there any more areas that need to be removed?");
Dialog.addChoice("-->", choices);;
choice = Dialog.getChoice();

If at the end of the if statement, the user selects "Yes" again, I want it to run through the if statement one more time. However, my script continues no matter what the user chooses. How can I loop it back to the if statement?