Good day!
If you consult section 30.7 of the ImageJ User Guide you find, besides
other topics:
*Integrated density*
The sum of the values of the pixels in the image or selection. This is
equivalent to the product of Area and Mean Gray Value. With IJ 1.44c and
later, Raw integrated density (sum of pixel values) is displayed under
the heading RawIntDen when Integrated density is enabled. The Dot Blot
Analysis tutorial demonstrates how to use this option to analyze a dot
blot assay.
From my point of view the term "density" is incorrect because commonly
it denotes a logarithmic entity. Not so here!
Am 26.10.17 um 23:53 schrieb Veronica Andrade:
> Hello, everyone
> Could someone please tell me in which specific file (jar/macros/ pluggins)
> integrated density is implemented in the FIJI program? I am trying to check
> which formula is used to calculate Integrated density. And also, if is not
> the formula I need I am thinking in a way to change it.
> Thank you so much
> -----
> Veronica Andrade M.
> Thesis student at Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Ecuador
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