Ilan wrote:
> To my utter surprise and delight, I managed to use ImageJ inside my
> application and it worked!
> Not that I doubt ImageJ, only my ability to use it was in strong doubt.
> What I did was use I have a whole list of files
> and I gave it the first file on the list.
> To my delight, up came a window with my file.
> Since this works, I need to know how I can create a stack in this window and
> push in all the files.
> Any suggestions as where to start would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a snippet from some "dusty" code that works for me...
// list is the string array of filenames
Opener opener = new Opener();
ImagePlus[] imp = new ImagePlus[list.length];
ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height);
try {
for(int i = 0; i < list.length ; i++){
imp[i] =opener.openImage(directory, list[i]);
stack.addSlice(list[i], imp[i].getProcessor());
}//i loop adding each image to the stack
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
IJ.outOfMemory("Opening stack used too much memory");
}//end of try catch