How does ImageJ display the cursor coordinates?

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How does ImageJ display the cursor coordinates?

  after I opened an image in ImageJ, when I move the cursor in the image
window, then ImageJ will display some infomation like "x=10, y=153,
value=6,29,13" on the ImageJ's status bar.
  Suppose my cursor is now at [10, 153], now I use the ImageJ's manifying
glass tool to zoom in or zoom out the image, then the image window will
become smaller or bigger or do not change, but the information displayed
on the status bar seems not as the window coordinates. For example, the
image window is 400 x 400, but when the cursor at the right lower corner
of the window, the information is "x=49, y=34, value=..." instead
of "x=399, y=399, value=...".

Yili Zhao
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Re: How does ImageJ display the cursor coordinates?

Volker Baecker
the coordinates are *image* coordinates not window coordinates.
Zoom in to the maximum, so that you can see single pixels and move
the mouse pointer over the image. You will see that the coordinates change
whenever you move from one pixel to another.

Yili Zhao a écrit :

> Hi,
>   after I opened an image in ImageJ, when I move the cursor in the image
> window, then ImageJ will display some infomation like "x=10, y=153,
> value=6,29,13" on the ImageJ's status bar.
>   Suppose my cursor is now at [10, 153], now I use the ImageJ's manifying
> glass tool to zoom in or zoom out the image, then the image window will
> become smaller or bigger or do not change, but the information displayed
> on the status bar seems not as the window coordinates. For example, the
> image window is 400 x 400, but when the cursor at the right lower corner
> of the window, the information is "x=49, y=34, value=..." instead
> of "x=399, y=399, value=...".
>   Thanks.
> Yili Zhao

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