Hi Everyone
I've got a burning question about the display range of ImageJ and it would be great if someone can point me in the right direction. I've been going through the source code but I still can't figure out how ImageJ selects min and max to display a 16 bit image in. I've ran ImageJ in debug mode and opened a 16bit image, but I can't find the line of code that decides how the display min and max are selected. Gone through the Opener, TiffDecoder, and FileOpener class but without any success. I understand from the ContrastAdjuster code that there is a defaultMin and defaultMax variable, which are the absolute min and max pixel values of the image, but not usually the values used for displaying. Instead, the values of min2 and max2 are used when you first open the image. So my question is... how is it that ip.getMin(); ip.getMax(); returns different values before and after ip.resetMinAndMax()? It surely means that some "tempering" was done to the Min and Max somewhere in the code when an image is opened... Would be absolutely great if someone can help me out! Thanks! : ) James |
ShortProcessor.findMinAndMax() determines the min and max pixel values for ip.resetMinAndMax and ip.getMin(); ip.getMax();. ContrastAdjuster will lop off progressively greater percentages of outliers each time you click Auto but I suspect that your query arises because 16-bit tif images can be saved with user selected min/max display values in the tif header which are used on opening rather than ip.getMin(); ip.getMax(); If you experiment with the sample images obtained by run'ing the macros run("M51 Galaxy (177K, 16-bits)"); run("CT (420K, signed 16-bits)"); and use the following macro commands by selecting and run'ing you can perform a variety of tests run("Misc...", "divide=Infinity debug"); run("Misc...", "divide=Infinity"); getMinAndMax(min,max); print(min,max); run("Show Info..."); resetMinAndMax(); run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.5"); The results will show that M51 is uncalibrated and IJ will use the display range ip.getMin()=0, ip.getMax()=10106 on opening. If you use run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.5"); it will set to 157 1815 and will Save/re'Open displayed at 157<>1815 "CT" is calibrated as can be seen from log of debug and from ShowInfo FileOpener: name=CT.tif, dir=, url=, width=888, height=495, nImages=1, type=ushort, offset=768, whiteZero=f, Intel=f, lutSize=0, compression=1 Image Description: ImageJ=1.37k unit=mm cf=0 c0=-32768.0 c1=1.0 vunit=gray value min=32568.0 max=33068.0 which comes from file header (as it was saved) and will display -200<> 300 whereas reset via B&C adjuster will set -719 <> 1402 Greg -- Greg Joss, Department of Biological Sciences, Phone: (61)(2) 9850 8212 Fax: 9850 8245 Macquarie University, Email: [hidden email] North Ryde, (Sydney,) NSW 2109, Australia >>> [hidden email] 08/04/06 4:23 pm >>> Hi Everyone I've got a burning question about the display range of ImageJ and it would be great if someone can point me in the right direction. I've been going through the source code but I still can't figure out how ImageJ selects min and max to display a 16 bit image in. I've ran ImageJ in debug mode and opened a 16bit image, but I can't find the line of code that decides how the display min and max are selected. Gone through the Opener, TiffDecoder, and FileOpener class but without any success. I understand from the ContrastAdjuster code that there is a defaultMin and defaultMax variable, which are the absolute min and max pixel values of the image, but not usually the values used for displaying. Instead, the values of min2 and max2 are used when you first open the image. So my question is... how is it that ip.getMin(); ip.getMax(); returns different values before and after ip.resetMinAndMax()? It surely means that some "tempering" was done to the Min and Max somewhere in the code when an image is opened... Would be absolutely great if someone can help me out! Thanks! : ) James |
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