Hi Henry,
spatial calibration (Analyze>Set Scale) allows you to set the
scale, but not the offset.
A SetScale(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, xOrigin, yOrigin, unit)
macro function would be nice, but far as I know, there is
nothing like this.
So you need a plugin with roughly the following code
(I have not tried it):
ImagePlus img = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
Calibration cal = img.getCalibration();
cal.xOrigin = pixel_where_x_would_be_zero;
cal.yOrigin = pixel_where_y_would_be_zero;
cal.pixelWidth = pixel_with_in_nm;
cal.pixelHeight = pixel_height_in_whatever_units;
On 28 Nov 2007, at 23:10, Henry Barwood wrote:
> I am collecting optical spectra from a device I built using a 640 X
> 480
> pixel webcam as a sensing element. I convert them into spectrograms
> using
> ImageJ which works nicely; however, I need to produce a profile
> plot with nm
> instead of pixel labeling and I need to have the scale start at 380 nm
> instead of "0" pixels. Is there an easy way to do this, and then
> output the
> plot to a printable file? Any help or suggestions as to where to
> look to
> find an answer would be welcome. Thanks.
> Henry Barwood
> Associate Professor of Science, Earth Sciences
> Department of Math and Physics
> MSCX 312G
> Troy University
> Troy, Alabama
[hidden email]