Hi S,
you can send the patch to Wayne Rasband or post it here. Alternatively,
you can push it to the mob branch of the ImageJA repository
[hidden email]/srv/git/imageja.git
On the other hand: deselecting PointRois works with ALT+left mouse, in
Gnome CTRL+ALT+left mouse. Or what do you mean?
On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 03:12 -0700, xanibas wrote:
> Dear all,
> I made a small change in the core ImageJ code to be able to deselect a
> PointRoi from the list of selected PointRois. I would like to submit the
> change so that it will be integrated in the next version but I'm not
> familiar with the procedure. Do I have to use the git repository?
> Thanks for any info
> S