Hi Danilo,
two possibilities:
The more elegant one: Use the SyncWindows plugin
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/sync-windows.htmlThe quick one, if you need it only once:
Edit>Selection>Restore Selection on the second image. This will
apply the last selection stored to the current image. Sometimes one
has to deselect and restore the selection on the first image (the one
with the original selection) before, to make sure that the correct
selection is used.
On 25 Nov 2009, at 11:43, ImageJUser wrote:
> Hi there,
> I need to perform simple "Analyze->Measure (ctrl+M)" on two different
> (registered) images, BUT just on the SAME position, i.e. I need to
> copy and
> paste a selection (ROI) in order to keep the same dimension and
> position.
> Does anyone can tell me if and how ImageJ perfom such a simple task?
> Thanks for your help.