Dear Yili Zhao,
separation of a 2D Gaussian into two 1D Gaussians is pure mathematics:
exp[-(x^2 + y^2)] = exp(-x^2) exp(-y^2)
> the Gaussian convolution is often used in image processing, and it
>says that 2-D Gaussian convolution can be separated by 2 1-D Gaussian
>convolution (thus more computation efficient). I have several questions in
>implementing Gaussian convolution:
> 1. How to compute 1-D and 2-D Gaussian convolution kernel?
> 2. How to smooth image by 2 1-D Gaussian convolution kernel?
> 3. How to compute image gradients by 2 1-D Gaussian convolution kernel?
> I have read some image processing books, but can not find related
> Thanks!
>Yili Zhao
Convolution with a Gaussian will never result in something like a
gradient-image, because it mmeans lowpass filtering. What you perhaps
mean is convolution with "Difference of two Gaussians" (DOG) having
different variances which results in lowpass-filtered Laplace-like
All this is quite basic mathematics and signal processing and should
be treated in the better image processing books. You might also
investigate the corresponding code of ImageJ.