Hi Cobus,
the volume in the 3D image is simply the integral of the 2D image,
i.e., the sum of all values inside the roi. Use Analyze>Measure on
the 2D image and multiply the Mean by the Area to get it.
On 21 Jul 2011, at 15:07, Cobus wrote:
> Hello
> I created 3D images from 2D pictures using the Interactive 3D
> surface plot
> (V2.32) plugin. These images are based on the colour intensity if i
> understand correct. What I would like to do is to measure the
> volume created
> in the 3D image. It is an irregular shape and I would need to
> measure the
> voxels in the specific ROI of these images.
> I have looked at quite a few plugins without any luck. A lot of
> programs can
> create the 3D image but there is no quantitative out put which I
> know of. I
> know this must be possible, but I just can't the right program. I also
> unfortunately have no programming background. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Best regards
> Cobus