In ImageJ 1.39d, due by the end of the week, you can specify the color
to make transparent in the Edit>Options>Input-Output dialog. You can
also save stacks as animated GIFs.
On Aug 20, 2007, at 4:02 AM, Ulf Dittmer wrote:
> Hello-
> It seems that ImageJ has no notion of transparent pixels in a GIF
> image (or at least none that I can find). Upon opening the transparent
> colors seem to be replaced by some real colors, and I can't find a way
> to specify which color to make transparent during saving.
> The GifEncoder class seems to have that capability, but it's not
> available the way it's used by the FileSaver class. Am I missing
> something? If not, is there any workaround to this?
> Many thanks in advance for any clues.
> Ulf