The built in macro functions are implemented in the
ij/macro/ source file, which is online at should probably convert the macro to a PlugIn rather than a
PlugInFilter."Command") calls can cause "image locked" errors
in a PlugInFilter.
On Jan 31, 2008, at 12:22 PM, jiajian shen wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry to bother again. This list really helps me a lot in ImageJ
> coding.
> I have another question about the Marco and plugin. I wrote a Marco
> code
> and it runs well. Due to some reason, I want to change the Macro to a
> PluginFilter. Now the problem is that a lot of the convenient built in
> functions in Macro can not be recognized by Plugin, "makeLine(xc, yc,
> xb,
> yb)". My question is that where I can find the source codes of these
> built
> in functions? If I find these built in function source codes, I can
> get the
> idea how these functions are built, and then I can rewrite these
> functions
> in my plugin? Am I right? Or is there an better way to link the Macro
> functions to plugin?
> Thanks a lot,
> Jiajian