How to work with color images?

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How to work with color images?

Juanjo Vega
Hello everyone,

I need to work with colour images in a plugin I'm developing, and as it is my first time and I'm pretty confused.

I had a look into the "Color Threshold" plugin and found this:

int c, r, g, b;



r = ((c&0xff0000)>>16);//R
g = ((c&0x00ff00)>>8);//G
b = ( c&0x0000ff); //B

So, do I have to convert every pixel like that before working with them? Is there no API for RGB images? Maybe a method to split the image in three different gray scale images and to merge them after being processed, would be helpful.

Any help will he welcome, plugins, API reference, etc. :)



Juanjo Vega ([hidden email])

Unidad de Biocomputación. Laboratorio B-13.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC.
C\ Darwin, 3. Campus de Cantoblanco.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
28049, Madrid, Spain.

+34 91 585 4510

"Las mejores almas son capaces de los mayores vicios como de las mayores
virtudes, y aquellos que caminan despacio por el camino recto pueden
llegar más lejos que los que corren pero se apartan de él." - Discurso
del Método, René Descartes.
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Re: How to work with color images?

Gabriel Landini
On Wednesday 25 May 2011 11:09:41 you wrote:

> I need to work with colour images in a plugin I'm developing, and as it is
> my first time and I'm pretty confused.
> I had a look into the "Color Threshold" plugin and found this:
> int c, r, g, b;
> c=ip.getPixel(x,y);
> r = ((c&0xff0000)>>16);//R
> g = ((c&0x00ff00)>>8);//G
> b = ( c&0x0000ff); //B

Yes, the pixel has 3 values packed into an integer value, so you need to
unpack them.

You should read Werner Bailer's tutorial:

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Re: How to work with color images?

In reply to this post by Juanjo Vega
Hi Juan,

So, do I have to convert every pixel like that before working with them? Is
> there no API for RGB images? Maybe a method to split the image in three
> different gray scale images and to merge them after being processed, would
> be helpful.

There are many different ways of dealing with it. To split into three
different grayscale images first, use a command such as:, "Split Channels", "");

(This is what the macro recorder produces when executing the command Image >
Color > Split Channels.)

But just using the bitmasking code you mentioned is fine too.


On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Juanjo Vega <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I need to work with colour images in a plugin I'm developing, and as it is
> my first time and I'm pretty confused.
> I had a look into the "Color Threshold" plugin and found this:
> int c, r, g, b;
> ...
> c=ip.getPixel(x,y);
> r = ((c&0xff0000)>>16);//R
> g = ((c&0x00ff00)>>8);//G
> b = ( c&0x0000ff); //B
> So, do I have to convert every pixel like that before working with them? Is
> there no API for RGB images? Maybe a method to split the image in three
> different gray scale images and to merge them after being processed, would
> be helpful.
> Any help will he welcome, plugins, API reference, etc. :)
> Sincerely,
> Juanjo.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Juanjo Vega ([hidden email])
> Unidad de Biocomputación. Laboratorio B-13.
> Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC.
> C\ Darwin, 3. Campus de Cantoblanco.
> Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
> 28049, Madrid, Spain.
> +34 91 585 4510
> "Las mejores almas son capaces de los mayores vicios como de las mayores
> virtudes, y aquellos que caminan despacio por el camino recto pueden
> llegar más lejos que los que corren pero se apartan de él." - Discurso
> del Método, René Descartes.
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Re: How to work with color images?

Juanjo Vega
Thanks guys!

I just discovered:

ImagePlus.getPixel(i, j): int[]

It returns RGB values as an int array, so you don't need to mask the pixel value.

I'm not sure, but I think it may be a good apporach when you need to access pixels here and there, but for processing entire images, I think the bitmasking method would be faster.

The "split channels" is ok, but I want to do it in background, not showing the splitted channels. It has more to do with my other message about how o avoid showing results when running stuff programmatically.



On May 25, 2011, at 8:30 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:

> Hi Juan,
> So, do I have to convert every pixel like that before working with them? Is
>> there no API for RGB images? Maybe a method to split the image in three
>> different gray scale images and to merge them after being processed, would
>> be helpful.
> There are many different ways of dealing with it. To split into three
> different grayscale images first, use a command such as:
>, "Split Channels", "");
> (This is what the macro recorder produces when executing the command Image >
> Color > Split Channels.)
> But just using the bitmasking code you mentioned is fine too.
> Regards,
> Curtis
> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Juanjo Vega <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I need to work with colour images in a plugin I'm developing, and as it is
>> my first time and I'm pretty confused.
>> I had a look into the "Color Threshold" plugin and found this:
>> int c, r, g, b;
>> ...
>> c=ip.getPixel(x,y);
>> r = ((c&0xff0000)>>16);//R
>> g = ((c&0x00ff00)>>8);//G
>> b = ( c&0x0000ff); //B
>> So, do I have to convert every pixel like that before working with them? Is
>> there no API for RGB images? Maybe a method to split the image in three
>> different gray scale images and to merge them after being processed, would
>> be helpful.
>> Any help will he welcome, plugins, API reference, etc. :)
>> Sincerely,
>> Juanjo.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Juanjo Vega ([hidden email])
>> Unidad de Biocomputación. Laboratorio B-13.
>> Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC.
>> C\ Darwin, 3. Campus de Cantoblanco.
>> Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
>> 28049, Madrid, Spain.
>> +34 91 585 4510
>> "Las mejores almas son capaces de los mayores vicios como de las mayores
>> virtudes, y aquellos que caminan despacio por el camino recto pueden
>> llegar más lejos que los que corren pero se apartan de él." - Discurso
>> del Método, René Descartes.

Juanjo Vega ([hidden email])

Unidad de Biocomputación. Laboratorio B-13.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC.
C\ Darwin, 3. Campus de Cantoblanco.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
28049, Madrid, Spain.

+34 91 585 4510

"Las mejores almas son capaces de los mayores vicios como de las mayores
virtudes, y aquellos que caminan despacio por el camino recto pueden
llegar más lejos que los que corren pero se apartan de él." - Discurso
del Método, René Descartes.