How to write a macro for multiple images analysis in the calculator plus?

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How to write a macro for multiple images analysis in the calculator plus?

Hello everyone

I have a set of images in a folder which their names are: 2 days.bmp 3
days.bmp ..... 28 days.bmp. Also, I have a folder with the background images
exactly with the same names. I want to use the calculator plus and divide
each image to its relevant background. I want to save time and do that at
the same time instead of doing it for each image one by one. Is there any
idea how can I do that? I have written a macro but it didn't work for me.

macro "Batch calculate images [1]" {

LocationOfFiles = getDirectory("Select Folder");

LocationOfbackgrounds = getDirectory("Select Folder of backgrounds");

LocationOfSave = getDirectory("Select Save Location");


FileList = getFileList(LocationOfFiles);

NumberOfFiles = FileList.length;

for (i=0; i<NumberOfFiles; i+=1) {

FileName = FileList[i];

pathtofile1 = LocationOfFiles+FileName;


name1 = getTitle();

pathtofile2 = LocationOfbackgrounds+FileName;


name2 = getTitle();

run("Calculator Plus", "i1="+name1+" i2="+name2+" operation=[Divide: i2 =
(i1/i2) x k1 + k2] k1=255 k2=0 create");


SaveName = replace(name, ".bmp", "_backgroud subtracted.jpg");

saveAs("BMP", LocationOfSave+SaveName);



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Re: How to write a macro for multiple images analysis in the calculator plus?

Fred Damen

File->Import->Image Sequence...
File->Import->Image Sequence...
Process->Image Calculator... (Entire Stack)


On Mon, November 19, 2018 6:02 pm, behravan1987 wrote:

> Hello everyone
> I have a set of images in a folder which their names are: 2 days.bmp 3
> days.bmp ..... 28 days.bmp. Also, I have a folder with the background images
> exactly with the same names. I want to use the calculator plus and divide
> each image to its relevant background. I want to save time and do that at
> the same time instead of doing it for each image one by one. Is there any
> idea how can I do that? I have written a macro but it didn't work for me.
> Thanks.
> macro "Batch calculate images [1]" {
> LocationOfFiles = getDirectory("Select Folder");
> LocationOfbackgrounds = getDirectory("Select Folder of backgrounds");
> LocationOfSave = getDirectory("Select Save Location");
> setBatchMode(true);
> FileList = getFileList(LocationOfFiles);
> NumberOfFiles = FileList.length;
> for (i=0; i<NumberOfFiles; i+=1) {
> FileName = FileList[i];
> pathtofile1 = LocationOfFiles+FileName;
> open(pathtofile1);
> name1 = getTitle();
> pathtofile2 = LocationOfbackgrounds+FileName;
> open(pathtofile2);
> name2 = getTitle();
> run("Calculator Plus", "i1="+name1+" i2="+name2+" operation=[Divide: i2 =
> (i1/i2) x k1 + k2] k1=255 k2=0 create");
> selectWindow("Result");
> SaveName = replace(name, ".bmp", "_backgroud subtracted.jpg");
> saveAs("BMP", LocationOfSave+SaveName);
> selectWindow(BackgroundImage);
> close("\\Others");
> --
> Sent from:
> --
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