Hyperstack animate

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Hyperstack animate

Graham Wright-5
When I try to animate (using the menu or "\" shortcut) a hyperstack using ImageJ 1.39q and r I get problems. The frame number at the top left plays, but the images do not. Does anyone else encounter this problem, or indeed, know a solution to it?

Dr Graham Wright
Microscopy & Imaging Facility

Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory
1 Research Link
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117604

P:    +65 6872 8406
E:     [hidden email]
W:    www.bioinformatics.tll.org.sg/labs/microscopy/index.htm
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Re: Hyperstack animate

Wayne Rasband
> Listers,
> When I try to animate (using the menu or "\" shortcut) a hyperstack
> using ImageJ 1.39q and r I get problems. The frame number at the top
> left plays, but the images do not. Does anyone else encounter this
> problem, or indeed, know a solution to it?

This bug is fixed in ImageJ 1.39u. You can upgrade by running the
ImageJ_Updater plugin at


and selecting "daily build" from the drop down menu.
