Thses are great news ! Thanks a lot Wayne.
Two more questions regarding hyperstacks :
- does anyone know if there is a keyboard shortcut to toggle channels
on hyperstacks, something like alt+1, alt+2, etc... (like Firefox tabs
shortcuts) to toggle individual channels in composite view ? It would
be awesome to be able to totally browse hyperstacks from the keyboard
(like shortcuts for channels, z, time). I couldn't find a reference to
such shortcuts in the FAQ
- I couldn't find a simple way to reorganize channels in an
hyperstack, like swapping channel 1 / channel 2 for exemple, something
like the "stack sorter" plugin but for channels in an hyperstack. Do
someone have a macro for that ?
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 23:28, Wayne Rasband <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I've a few questions relating to the point picker tool and the ROI manager
>> :
>> - Why is the point picker tool (tool #7) totally silent when using the
>> macro recorder ?
> The point tool is recordable in ImageJ 1.41h and later.
>> - Is it possible to implement that the ROI manager "Combine" command
>> could combine two sets of point selections ? (duplicate of a C.
>> Coulon's unanswered post back in April :
> The ROI Manager "Combine" command works with point selections in v1.41h.
> -wayne
>> What I want to do : implement a point picker that incrementally adds
>> points to a ROI stored in the ROI Manager. I know I can do it with
>> shift+Point Picker, but I want to develop my own tool, not use the
>> point picker (because this is just a starting point for something more
>> complicated where actions would be triggered by each point clicked,
>> different actions depending on the modifier used when clicking).
>> Christophe