Quantify green signal

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Quantify green signal

Dinto Jose
Hello everybody,

I am very new to ImageJ. I have a problem which I am not able to solve it

I have an image in which a protein in the cell (both cytoplasm and nucleus)
is marked in green. Using DRAQ5, the nucleus  is marked in red. Now I have
to find the ratio of the green signal inside nucleus and outside.

I tried some plugins to measure rgb in image. But it is not giving what I
needed. I want to quantify the ratio of the protein translocated to
nucleus to that in the cytoplasm. Other than manually drawing nuclear
boundry and measuring green signal inside nucleus, any other way to
solve, like some plugins available?

If some of you know some way to solve this, please help

Thank you


Dinto Jose
Systems Biology and Bioinformatics group
Institute for Computer Science (Institut für Informatik)
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Albert Einstein Str. 21
18051 Rostock, Germany
Email: [hidden email]
Phone:   +49 (0)381 498 75 79
Mobile:  +49 (0)160 420 57 74
Skype:   josedinto