IEEE-488 and ImageJ

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IEEE-488 and ImageJ

Raymond Lillard
Dear ImageJ,

I am starting a project to collect some physical data
from a digital oscilloscope and analyze it with our
favorite image program.

The oscilloscope that has been offered to me for this
project has a IEEE-488 interface and not Ethernet.

I am investigating the possibility of adding code to
ImageJ to manage the instrumentation and collect the data
instead of collecting the data in a separate program,
saving it to a file, and viewing it and cleaning it up
in a second step with ImageJ.

This means I need a way to communicate via IEEE-488
from Java, within ImageJ.  Has anyone done this?

My OS can be either Linux or WinXP.  I find that while
National Instruments has drivers for their PCI / IEEE-488
interface card for both of these OSs, it appears there are
no bindings from Java to the driver's userland interface


Thank you for your time,