IJ Plugins Toolkit not working because Java 8

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IJ Plugins Toolkit not working because Java 8

I'm trying to use IJ kmeans clustering, but I'm encountering issues with Java. Here is the message that I get:

"ImageJ 1.47v; Java 1.6.0_20 [64-bit]; Windows 7 6.1; 9407K of 9165MB (<1%)
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/sf/ij_plugins/clustering/KMeansClusteringPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
This plugin requires Java 1.7 or later."

I have Java 8, so I'm assuming this it's a compatibility problem. Anyone manage to get around this?

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Re: IJ Plugins Toolkit not working because Java 8

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Hi, maybe the problem is that you have a java 1.6.0_20  version working with imageJ, you can see it if you go to your folder installation of imageJ, look for a java folder, rename or delete de folder and restart ImageJ and prove the plugin.

i prefer to delete the folder because this way ImageJ work whit java version that you have installed in the computer.

Look for - Upgrading to a Newer Version of Java
