IJ.d2s "quirk"

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IJ.d2s "quirk"

Joachim Wesner
Hi again,

I already note for some time, that IJ.ds2 has a "quirk" for very small
values, for example

double small_value = 9.915e-6;
IJ.write(IJ.d2s (small_value, 2));

will not output





Is this intended behaviour?

Sometimes it might be useful to tell if a result is not exactly zero, but
*LARGER* numbers will nevertheless be rounded down to zero as for ex. 1e-3!


Joachim Wesner

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Re: IJ.d2s "quirk"

Wayne Rasband
 > Hi again,

 > I already note for some time, that IJ.ds2 has a "quirk"
 > for very small values, for example

 > double small_value = 9.915e-6;
 > IJ.write(IJ.d2s (small_value, 2));

 > will not output

 > "0.00"

 > but

 > "9.915E-6"

 > instead!

 > Is this intended behaviour?

IJ.d2s() automatically switches to scientific notation for very small
values to prevent them from being misleadingly displayed in the Results
table as zero. You can avoid the use of scientific notation by
increasing the number of decimal places. Here is what you get

     0  9.915E-6
     1  9.915E-6
     2  9.915E-6
     3  9.915E-6
     4  9.915E-6
     5  9.915E-6
     6  0.000010
     7  0.0000099
     8  0.00000992
     9  0.000009915

when you run this macro

n = 9.915e-6;
for (d=0; d<=9; d++)


 > Sometimes it might be useful to tell if a result is not exactly zero,
 > *LARGER* numbers will nevertheless be rounded down to zero as for ex.
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rounding to a fixed number of decimals [was: IJ.d2s "quirk"]

Adrian Daerr-2
May I humbly suggest that this rounding mechanism be totally avoided at
least in the "List", "Save" and "Copy" options in profile plot windows,
or that there be at least an option that switches it off (quick and ugly
hack: if the requested number of decimal places is negative, never
truncate) ? I'd prefer to either always use scientific notation, or let
some java printf function decide which notation to use. If rounding
there has to be, it would be better to *always* truncate, and never
switch to scientific notation, because the resulting clipping can be
surprising and hard to detect, as in the following example.

Since version 1.39g, the plot profile window rounds to 9 decimal places
if the setting is less or equal 3, but this has only made the problem a
little less likely to occur. It can still be treacherous to export data,
if you run e.g.:

newImage("Untitled", "32-bit Ramp", 400, 400, 1);
run("Divide...", "value=100000000");
makeLine(0, 100, 105, 100);
run("Plot Profile");

you get this plot:

so far so good. Now save the data with the "save" button, and plot it
using your favorite plotting program, and you will get:

Did you expect this ? Imagine now data that almost always evolves in the
lower, correctly saved, linear part, but now and then has bigger values.
Then the clipping might go unnoticed for quite a while, and finding the
cause when you finally notice can be tough.
Don't trust "save" to really save your data without double-checking !


On 10/09/09 17:36, Wayne Rasband wrote:

>> Hi again,
>> I already note for some time, that IJ.ds2 has a "quirk"
>> for very small values, for example
>> double small_value = 9.915e-6;
>> IJ.write(IJ.d2s (small_value, 2));
>> will not output
>> "0.00"
>> but
>> "9.915E-6"
>> instead!
>> Is this intended behaviour?
> IJ.d2s() automatically switches to scientific notation for very small
> values to prevent them from being misleadingly displayed in the Results
> table as zero. You can avoid the use of scientific notation by
> increasing the number of decimal places. Here is what you get
>     0  9.915E-6
>     1  9.915E-6
>     2  9.915E-6
>     3  9.915E-6
>     4  9.915E-6
>     5  9.915E-6
>     6  0.000010
>     7  0.0000099
>     8  0.00000992
>     9  0.000009915
> when you run this macro
> n = 9.915e-6;
> for (d=0; d<=9; d++)
>     print(d2s(n,d));
> -wayne
>  > Sometimes it might be useful to tell if a result is not exactly zero,
> but
>  > *LARGER* numbers will nevertheless be rounded down to zero as for ex.
> 1e-3!
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Antwort: Re: IJ.d2s "quirk"

Joachim Wesner
In reply to this post by Wayne Rasband
Hi Wayne,

yes I see that point, but IMHO there should be a way to suppress switching
to exponential if requested, to avoid that LARGER values come out in
SMALLER (zero) results.


1) The number of digits right to the decimal point in exponential form
should be the same as in the non-exp form!? (It´s always 3)
2) When the switch occurs should somehow depend in a sensible way on the #
of digits given.

I checked the sourcecode, there is this undocumented(?) feature that giving
a *negative* number of digits, solves 1) above, but 2) would need a change.

Most sincerely

Joachim Wesner

             Wayne Rasband                                                
             <[hidden email]>                                                
             Gesendet von:                                              An
             ImageJ Interest            [hidden email]                
             Group                                                   Kopie
             <[hidden email].                                            
             GOV>                                                    Thema
                                        Re: IJ.d2s "quirk"                
             10.09.2009 17:36                                              
              Bitte antworten                                              
              ImageJ Interest                                              
             <[hidden email].                                            

 > Hi again,

 > I already note for some time, that IJ.ds2 has a "quirk"
 > for very small values, for example

 > double small_value = 9.915e-6;
 > IJ.write(IJ.d2s (small_value, 2));

 > will not output

 > "0.00"

 > but

 > "9.915E-6"

 > instead!

 > Is this intended behaviour?

IJ.d2s() automatically switches to scientific notation for very small
values to prevent them from being misleadingly displayed in the Results
table as zero. You can avoid the use of scientific notation by
increasing the number of decimal places. Here is what you get

     0  9.915E-6
     1  9.915E-6
     2  9.915E-6
     3  9.915E-6
     4  9.915E-6
     5  9.915E-6
     6  0.000010
     7  0.0000099
     8  0.00000992
     9  0.000009915

when you run this macro

n = 9.915e-6;
for (d=0; d<=9; d++)


 > Sometimes it might be useful to tell if a result is not exactly zero,
 > *LARGER* numbers will nevertheless be rounded down to zero as for ex.

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Re: IJ.d2s "quirk"

Wayne Rasband
In reply to this post by Joachim Wesner
 > Hi Wayne,
 > yes I see that point, but IMHO there should be a way to
 > suppress switching to exponential if requested, to avoid
 > that LARGER values come out in SMALLER (zero) results.
 > Also,
 > 1) The number of digits right to the decimal point in
 > exponential form should be the same as in the non-exp
 > form!? (It´s always 3) 2) When the switch occurs should
 > somehow depend in a sensible way on the # of digits given.
 > I checked the sourcecode, there is this undocumented(?)
 > feature that giving a *negative* number of digits, solves
 > 1) above, but 2) would need a change.

The "quirk" has been removed in the 1.43g daily build. IJ.d2s() now
only uses exponential notation when the second argument (# of digits)
is negative.  The "List", "Save" and "Copy" options in profile plot
windows now use exponential notation when "Scientific Notation" is
enabled in Analyze>Set Measurements.

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Re: IJ.d2s "quirk"

Adrian Daerr-2
> The "quirk" has been removed in the 1.43g daily build. IJ.d2s() now only
> uses exponential notation when the second argument (# of digits) is
> negative.  The "List", "Save" and "Copy" options in profile plot windows
> now use exponential notation when "Scientific Notation" is enabled in
> Analyze>Set Measurements.

Great, thank you!