Image Filters to enhance and seperate fibers

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Image Filters to enhance and seperate fibers

Lonnie Ulrich Andersen
Hi Everyone,

I am working on a 3D dataset of a fibermaterial. However I am having som trouble with the images. I have attached an example of an image.

At the moment I import the dataset into VG Studio max, but it is difficult to separate the fibers.

I have tried enhancing the image and making the contrast bigger but it doesn't do the trick.

Is there a way to separate the fibers or enhance the image to make it easier? I'm thinking running some sort of filtering.

Venlig hilsen

Lonnie Ulrich Andersen

Måling og Kvalitet
Mobil +45 72 20 13 43
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Re: Image Filters to enhance and seperate fibers

Venlig hilsen,

could you please tell the list what the final goal of the processing or
analysis is?

Is there a way to separate the fibers or enhance the image to make it

What should be made easier?



On 09.01.15 10:45, Lonnie Ulrich Andersen wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am working on a 3D dataset of a fibermaterial. However I am having
> som trouble with the images. I have attached an example of an image.
> At the moment I import the dataset into VG Studio max, but it is
> difficult to separate the fibers.
> I have tried enhancing the image and making the contrast bigger but
> it doesn't do the trick.
> Is there a way to separate the fibers or enhance the image to make it
> easier? I'm thinking running some sort of filtering.
> Venlig hilsen
> Lonnie Ulrich Andersen
> Konsulent Måling og Kvalitet Produktion Mobil +45 72 20 13 43
> [hidden email]
> <mailto:[hidden email]>Teknologisk Institut Gregersensvej 2630
> Taastrup Telefon +45 72 20 20 00
> -- ImageJ mailing list:

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