I just installed ImageJ 64-bit. Everything seemed to have gone smoothly but the program won't launch.
I have a Window's 64-bit and updated Java to 8 (latest update).
When I go into the ImageJ folder I can get what appears to be the 32-bit version to run by opening the ij.jar file. I can also get ImageJ 32-bit to install and open.
Based on the help page (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/docs/install/windows.html) it seems to be a problem connecting to Java.
"I installed a 64-bit version of Java but ImageJ is using the 32-bit version."
Edit the second line of ImageJ.cfg to point to the 64-bit version of Java. For example, change "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin" to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin". "
but my .cfg file only has the following three lines:
-Xmx9128m -cp ij.jar ij.ImageJ
I don't see what path to put into ImageJ.cfg nor do I see that java is in my program folders. I can find C:\Program Files (x86)\Java and have two subfolders in it jre1.8.0_31 and jre1.8.0_45.
How do I get the 64-bit version that I installed to work?
I do notice the maximum memory it is set to is 9128MB