Dear List,
I am opening around 6 confocal stacks at a time (which normally it is
not a problem), then in one of them I am using substract background,
and then gaussian filter, and hten I am adjusting the birghtness and
contrast. Then I am color-merging this stack with another one, and
then if I am lucky and it does not crash I make a z-projection of
this, but most of the times ImageJ keeps crashing before I can save
the results. Does anybody have an idea how can I solve this?I am using
a Mac version 10.5.8. And as I am sure that it will crash again I can
also copy and send you the crash report generated by mac (if that helps)
Lucia Prieto Godino
PhD student.
Department of Zoology,
Downing street
University of Cambridge.