I am trying to analyze some images in the following way:
I would like to take a black and white image and draw a line profile. The features in the image alternate between dark and light regions so the line profile looks approximately like a square wave. I then would like to have a plugin that locates the positions of the maxima in the line profile. Does anyone know of a plugin that does that. If you do it would be really awesome if you could tell me how to find it. Thanks, much appreciated. Josh |
Hi Josh,
what is your final aim? If you have a periodic array of features in the image and want to measure the periodicity along the line, I have a plugin that may do what you want. Michael ________________________________________________________________ On 17 Mar 2007, at 21:07, spinodalman wrote: > I am trying to analyze some images in the following way: > > I would like to take a black and white image and draw a line > profile. The > features in the image alternate between dark and light regions so > the line > profile looks approximately like a square wave. I then would like > to have a > plugin that locates the positions of the maxima in the line profile. > > Does anyone know of a plugin that does that. If you do it would be > really > awesome if you could tell me how to find it. > Thanks, much appreciated. > Josh |
Yes, my final aim is to mesaure the periodicity of an array of features. These features are not ususally perfectly periodic, however, and I would like to get some statistical information about the periodicity as well. I am very interested in the plugin.
In reply to this post by spinodalman
It's cool can you provide your pluging, for analysis the peak.
It is base on entropy measurement???? best regards Dr. Damien PIETRIN UPRES-EA3143 Laboratoire de Neurobiologie et Transgénèse Equipe constituante de Génopole Ouest IFR 132 Batiment Monteclair, CHU 49033 Angers, FRANCE Tel/Fax: |
In reply to this post by spinodalman
Hi Josh,
unfortunately the plugin works with almost perfect periodicity only. It does not search for the maxima of the line itself but rather for the maxima of the autocorrelation along the line. You can make it less sensitive to varying periodicities by removing the line "if (Double.isNaN(x)) return 0;" and by setting it to search for the shortest, not for the best periodicity. It won't give you any statistics about the distribution of maxima. It is pretty long (24 kB); I hope that the mailinglist won't truncate it. Michael ________________________________________________________________ On 19 Mar 2007, at 16:02, spinodalman wrote: > Yes, my final aim is to mesaure the periodicity of an array of > features. > These features are not ususally perfectly periodic, however, and I > would > like to get some statistical information about the periodicity as > well. I am > very interested in the plugin. > > Josh > import ij.*; import ij.plugin.frame.PlugInFrame; import ij.process.*; import ij.measure.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.util.Tools; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; /** This plugin continuously measures the periodicity along a line scan */ public class Measure_Periodicity extends PlugInFrame implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener, ActionListener, ItemListener, Runnable { //MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener to watch an ImagePlus //KeyListener for text field (go to...) //ActionListener for Buttons and textfields (number input) //ItemListener for Choice (Pulldown Menus) //Runnable for background thread private static Measure_Periodicity instance; //we want only one instance of this; remember it private ImagePlus imp, lastImp; //the ImagePlus that we listen to and the last one private ImagePlus plotImage; private Thread bgThread; //thread for plotting (in the background) private final static int PROFILE = 1; private final static int CORRELATION = 2; private int showPlot = 0; //could be 0 (no plot), PROFILE, CORRELATION private double angle; private double periodicity; private double result; private String xUnit; private double xInc; double[] yProfile; double[] yCorr; private Button updateB; private Button toResultB; private TextField[] numberT; private Choice methodChoice; private Choice plotChoice; private Choice[] functionChoice; private Label imageLabel; private Label statusLabel; private Label periodLabel; private Label resultLabel; /** The constructor, preparing the window (panel) */ public Measure_Periodicity() { super("Measure Periodicity"); if (instance!=null) { //we want only one instance instance.toFront(); return; } instance = this; //we are new, set up the window WindowManager.addWindow(this); imageLabel = new Label( //set up all the panel items "No Image "); //labels with enough width for later contents statusLabel = new Label("No Line Selection"); periodLabel = new Label("<no value yet>"); resultLabel = new Label("<no value yet>"); int trim = IJ.isMacOSX()?11:0; updateB = new TrimmedButton("Image", trim); toResultB = new TrimmedButton("to Results", trim); numberT = new TextField[2]; numberT[0] = new TextField("1.00",10); numberT[1] = new TextField("1.00",10); String[] methods = new String[] {"Best Periodicity","Shortest Periodicity"}; String[] plots = new String[] {"Plot Nothing", "Plot Profile", "Plot Autocorrelation"}; String[] functions = new String[] {"*","/","* sqrt", "/sqrt"}; methodChoice = new Choice(); plotChoice = new Choice(); functionChoice = new Choice[2]; functionChoice[0] = new Choice(); functionChoice[1] = new Choice(); for (int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) methodChoice.add(methods[i]); for (int i=0; i<plots.length; i++) plotChoice.add(plots[i]); for (int i=0; i<functions.length; i++) for (int j=0; j<functionChoice.length; j++) functionChoice[j].add(functions[i]); updateB.addActionListener(this); //set up the listeners (callback routines) for input toResultB.addActionListener(this); numberT[0].addKeyListener(this); numberT[1].addKeyListener(this); methodChoice.addItemListener(this); plotChoice.addItemListener(this); functionChoice[0].addItemListener(this); functionChoice[1].addItemListener(this); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();//set up the layout GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(gridbag); c.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2); //top, left, bottom, right int y = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; add(updateB, c); c.gridx = 1; add(imageLabel, c); c.gridwidth = 2; c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0; add(statusLabel, c); c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0; add(methodChoice, c); c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; add(new Label("Periodicity:"), c); c.gridx = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; add(periodLabel, c); for (int j=0; j<functionChoice.length; j++) { c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; add(functionChoice[j], c); c.gridx=1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; add(numberT[j], c); } c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; add(new Label("Result:"), c); c.gridx=1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; add(resultLabel, c); c.gridwidth = 2; c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0;c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; add(toResultB, c); c.insets = new Insets(15,2,8,2); c.gridy = y++; c.gridx = 0; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; add(plotChoice, c); this.pack(); GUI.center(this); setResizable(false); show(); toFront(); newImageListeners(); // we start to work now } public void close() { instance = null; //from now on, the constructor will open a new panel removeImageListeners(); closePlotImage(); //also terminates the background thread yProfile = null; //free space yCorr = null; super.close(); } // these listeners are activated if the selection is changed in the corresponding ImagePlus public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { updateProfile(); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { updateProfile(); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { updateProfile(); } // unused listeners concering actions in the corresponding ImagePlus public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {} public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {} public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {} // listener for both the input fields of this panel and for the corresponding ImagePlus public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof ImageCanvas) //nudged the selection? updateProfile(); else if (e.getSource() instanceof TextField)//changed a number? updateMath(); } // listener of the Buttons public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof Button) { Button b = (Button)e.getSource(); if (b == updateB) { if (imp !=WindowManager.getCurrentImage()) newImageListeners(); else updateProfile(); } else if (b == toResultB) { addToResults(); } } else { updateMath(); } } //listener for the Choice items public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Choice c = (Choice)e.getSource(); if (c == plotChoice) { showPlot = c.getSelectedIndex(); // Type of Plot changed synchronized (this) { if (showPlot == 0 && plotImage!=null) closePlotImage(); } updateProfile(); // this will open a plot image if requested } else if (c == methodChoice) { updateProfile(); } else updateMath(); // All others concern the math } public void run() { // the background thread for plotting. Notified to terminate by setting its name to "...Done" while (instance!=null && Thread.currentThread().getName ().indexOf("Done")<0) { updatePlot(); synchronized(this) { try {wait();} catch(InterruptedException e) {IJ.write ("INTERRUPTED");} } } } private synchronized void makePlotImage() { //create a new plot and start the background thread if (plotImage==null && imp!=null && yProfile!=null) { plotImage = new ImagePlus("Measure Periodicity Plot", makePlotProcessor()); plotImage.show(); IJ.wait(50); positionPlotWindow(); // start backgound thread for plotting if (bgThread != null) { IJ.error("Measure Periodicity internal error - duplicate thread"); return; } bgThread = new Thread(this, "Measure Periodicity Plot"); bgThread.start(); bgThread.setPriority(bgThread.getPriority()-4); } } private synchronized void closePlotImage() { //close the plot window and terminate the background thread if (plotImage!=null) plotImage.getWindow().close(); if (bgThread != null) { bgThread.setName("Measure Periodicity Plot - Done"); notifyAll(); //"Done" in the name makes the thread terminate bgThread = null; plotImage = null; } } private synchronized void newImageListeners() { // add listeners for foreground image (remove old) removeImageListeners(); imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); // get the current foreground window if (imp == null) { statusLabel.setText("no image"); periodicity = 0; updateMath(); return; } ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); ImageCanvas canvas = win.getCanvas(); canvas.addMouseListener(this); canvas.addMouseMotionListener(this); canvas.addKeyListener(this); lastImp = imp; imageLabel.setText(imp.getTitle()); if (plotImage != null) positionPlotWindow(); updateProfile(); // if we are successful, start working } private void removeImageListeners() { if (lastImp == null) return; ImageWindow win = lastImp.getWindow(); ImageCanvas canvas = win.getCanvas(); canvas.removeMouseListener(this); canvas.removeMouseMotionListener(this); canvas.removeKeyListener(this); imageLabel.setText("No Image"); lastImp = null; } void positionPlotWindow() { IJ.wait(500); if (plotImage==null || imp==null) return; ImageWindow pwin = plotImage.getWindow(); ImageWindow iwin = imp.getWindow(); if (pwin==null || iwin==null) return; Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension plotSize = pwin.getSize(); Dimension imageSize = iwin.getSize(); if (plotSize.width==0 || imageSize.width==0) return; Point imageLoc = iwin.getLocation(); int x = imageLoc.x+imageSize.width+10; if (x+plotSize.width>screen.width) x = screen.width-plotSize.width; pwin.setLocation(x, imageLoc.y); iwin.toFront(); } synchronized void updateProfile() { //get line profile and analyze it if (!isSelection()) { statusLabel.setText("No Line Selection"); } else { statusLabel.setText(""); ProfilePlot profile = new ProfilePlot(imp); yProfile = profile.getProfile(); if (yProfile==null || yProfile.length<5) return; xUnit = "pixels"; //the following code is mainly for x calibration xInc = 1; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); Line line = (Line)roi; if (cal == null) { angle = -Math.atan2(line.y2-line.y1, line.x2-line.x1) *180/Math.PI; } else { double dx = cal.pixelWidth*(line.x2 - line.x1); double dy = cal.pixelHeight*(line.y2 - line.y1); double length = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); angle = -Math.atan2(dy, dx)*180/Math.PI; if (yProfile.length>1) { xInc = length/(yProfile.length-1); xUnit = cal.getUnit(); } } angle -= 180*Math.round(angle/180); //reduce angles to -90...+90 deg yCorr = makeAutoCorrelation(yProfile); //get the autocorrelation and the periodicity therefrom periodicity = xInc*getPeriodicity(yCorr); updateMath(); if (showPlot!=0) { if (plotImage==null) { makePlotImage(); } else { if (plotImage.getWindow().isClosed()) { showPlot = 0; //Plot Window closed by user? then dispose plotChoice.select(0); closePlotImage(); } else { notify(); //trigger plot in background thread } } } } } void updatePlot() { //update an existing plot ImageProcessor ip = makePlotProcessor(); plotImage.setProcessor(null, ip); } ImageProcessor makePlotProcessor() { //create the actual plot double [] y; double periodicity; // make local copies of the global variables to get a consistent set double xInc; String title; synchronized(this) { periodicity = this.periodicity; xInc = this.xInc; if (showPlot == PROFILE) y = (double[])yProfile.clone(); else y = (double[])yCorr.clone(); } int n = y.length; double[] x = new double[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) x[i] = i*xInc; String xLabel = "Distance (" + xUnit + ")"; String yLabel = showPlot==PROFILE ? "Height":"Autocorrelation"; Plot plot = new Plot("profile", xLabel, yLabel, x, y, Plot.Y_GRID+Plot.Y_NUMBERS+Plot.X_TICKS+Plot.X_NUMBERS); double[] yLine = Tools.getMinMax(y); double[] xLine = new double[2]; if (periodicity>2*xInc) { plot.setColor(Color.red); double offset = showPlot==PROFILE ? xInc*getMaxOffset(y, periodicity/xInc) : 0.; for (double xL=offset; xL<(n-1)*xInc; xL+=periodicity) { xLine[0] = xLine[1] = xL; plot.addPoints(xLine,yLine,Plot.LINE); } plot.setColor(Color.black); } return plot.getProcessor(); } void updateMath() { // do the calculations based on the periodicity and update the panel if (periodicity == 0) { result = 0; periodLabel.setText(""); resultLabel.setText(""); } else { int digits = 4 - (int)(Math.log(periodicity)/Math.log(10)); if (digits<0) digits = 0; periodLabel.setText(IJ.d2s(periodicity, digits)+" "+xUnit); double temp = periodicity; for (int j=0; j<functionChoice.length; j++) { double num = Double.parseDouble(numberT[j].getText()); int fun = functionChoice[j].getSelectedIndex(); switch (fun) { case 0: temp*=num; break; case 1: temp/=num; break; case 2: temp*=Math.sqrt(num); break; case 3: temp/=Math.sqrt(num); break; } //IJ.write("math gets "+(float)temp); } result = temp; if (Double.isNaN(result) || Double.isInfinite(result)) { resultLabel.setText(""); } else { digits = 4 - (int)(Math.log(result)/Math.log(10)); if (digits<0) digits = 0; resultLabel.setText(IJ.d2s(result, digits)+" "+xUnit); } } } void addToResults() { if (result == 0) return; ResultsTable rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable(); rt.incrementCounter(); rt.setValue("Periodicity", rt.getCounter()-1, result); rt.setValue("Angle", rt.getCounter()-1, angle); rt.show("Results"); } // returns true if there is a simple line selection boolean isSelection() { if (imp==null) return false; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi==null) return false; return roi.getType()==Roi.LINE; } double[] makeAutoCorrelation(double[] y) { int outLength = (int)(0.8 * y.length); double[] correlation = new double[outLength]; double avg = 0; for (int i=0; i<y.length; i++) avg += y[i]; avg /= y.length; double norm = 1; for (int i=0; i<outLength; i++) { double sum = 0; for (int j=0; j<y.length-i; j++) sum += (y[j]-avg)*(y[j+i]-avg); if (i==0) norm = sum/y.length; correlation[i] = sum/norm/(y.length-i); } return correlation; } /** Get the periodicity from an autocorrelation * @param y the autocorrelation function * @return periodicity (distance between high maxima in y), 0 if none found */ private double getPeriodicity(double[] y) { boolean shortest = methodChoice.getSelectedItem().indexOf ("Shortest")>=0; double period; int bestI = 0; //index of the best maximum int firstI = 0; //index of the first maximum double bestY = 0; double dampenHigh = 1; //factor suppressing maxima with high periodicity for (int i=1; i<y.length-1; i++) { //find maxima of the autocorrelation dampenHigh = shortest ? dampenHigh*0.9 : (1 - i*0.2/ y.length); if (y[i]>y[i-1] && y[i]>=y[i+1]){ if (firstI==0) firstI = i; if (y[i]*dampenHigh > bestY) { //the best maximum so far? bestY = y[i]; bestI = i; } } } if (bestI == 0 || bestI > 0.8*y.length) return 0; period = bestI; double sumPeriod = 0; int range = firstI<10 ? 1:2; //for closely spaced maxima, fit only a short range around the maximum for (int i=1; period*i<y.length-2; i++) { double x = getNearestMax(y, i*period, range); if (Double.isNaN(x)) return 0; sumPeriod += x; //slope is x/i; weight proportional to i period = sumPeriod*2/i/(i+1); //a new (and better) estimate. Weight = sum(i) = i*(i+1)/2 if (period<2.1) return 0; } return period; } double getNearestMax(double[] y, double startX, int range) {// find the exact point of the maximum of a function y LineFit myFit = new LineFit(); //linear fit of the slope, ther maximum is at zero slope int startI = (int)Math.round(startX); for (int i=Math.max(startI-range,0); i<Math.min(startI +range,y.length-1); i++) myFit.addPoint(i-startI+0.5, y[i+1]-y[i]); double slope=myFit.getSlope(); if (slope>=0) return Double.NaN; // no minimum found double dx = -myFit.getOffset()/slope; if (Math.abs(dx)>2) return Double.NaN; // start point too far from maximum return startI + dx; } int getMaxOffset(double[] y, double period) { //get the index of the maximum of y when folded (summed periodically) int maxOffset = 0; double maxSum = -Double.MAX_VALUE; int repetitions = (int)Math.floor((y.length-1)/period); //IJ.write("getMaxOffset: period="+(float)period+" len="+y.length+" imax="+Math.floor(period)+" jmax="+repetitions); if(repetitions<0||repetitions>y.length) {IJ.beep();return 0;} //actually an error that should not occur for (int i=0; i<=Math.floor(period); i++) { double sum=0; for (int j=0; j<repetitions; j++) sum += y[i + (int)Math.round(j*period)]; if (sum>maxSum) { maxOffset = i; maxSum = sum; } } return maxOffset; } } |
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