On Apr 3, 2011, at 2:46 AM, Junkshops wrote:
> Hi all,
> I must be doing something very wrong here as this seems so simple, but
> I'm at a loss to figure out what. I can't seem to set the line thickness
> on an ImageProcessor:
> import ij.ImagePlus;
> import ij.process.ByteProcessor;
> public class IJtest {
> static int lineWidth = 5;
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> //ImagePlus newCell = IJ.createImage("", "8-bit", 512, 512, 1);
> ImagePlus newCell = new ImagePlus("foo", new ByteProcessor(512,
> 512));
> newCell.getProcessor().setLineWidth(lineWidth);
> System.out.println("" + newCell.getProcessor().getLineWidth());
> //prints 1
> }
> }
> Obviously if I draw a line on the image and show() it, the line is also
> width 1.
> The getters and setters in the ImageProcessor code don't do anything
> special other than set the line width to 1 if it's < 1, so there's no
> reason the state shouldn't be saved that I can see.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
The ImagePlus.getProcessor() method sets the line width to the current line width, which is set by using Edit>Options>Line Width or by double clicking on the line tool. You can avoid this problem by saving the ImageProcessor as a variable, for example:
lineWidth = 5;
imp = new ImagePlus("foo", new ByteProcessor(512, 512));
ip = imp.getProcessor();
print(ip.getLineWidth()); // prints 5