Dear ImageJusers,
I wanna Track some particles(like beads).I have a problem of
photobleaching and noise.
I found some method to reward photobleaching such as described in : they wrote that
/"Since bleaching is often not mono-exponential, quantification of
fluorescence intensities after bleach correction is not possible. This
plugin should really only be used to enhance time-course movies for
presentation rather than quantification".
/The question is :
if I apply some image processing like this plugin or like enhance
contrast such backround correction or any other filters" did I lose in
quantification of my particles?
or I can do whatever I wanna of image processing, then I can use my
plugin of particles tracker?*
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Best Regards
Houssam Hajjoul
Phd student
Groupe N2IS
tel:05 61 33 78 71
LAAS-CNRS Toulouse