Import Image Sequence...: Choosing the first file in dialog.

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Import Image Sequence...: Choosing the first file in dialog.

Bill Mohler
I have noticed that when using Import Image Sequence..., ImageJ does not heed the file I actually select in the initial file-system dialog box.  Instead, it does a trial load of whichever file comes up first in the file list ( I think).  In other words, in a directory with a diverse set of file types, I can click on a TIFF, but ImageJ will act as though opening a .mov, for example, because a .mov file comes up first in the file list.  In this case ensuing dialogs specific to opening .mov files can be Canceled, and the importer does let me go on to work through the standard import procedure for a series of TIFFs.  However, if the importer could actually act on the clicked file, it would make more sense to the user.
