Increasing default memory allocated to ImageJ

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Increasing default memory allocated to ImageJ

Balaji Gandhi
Mr. Rasband/All,
I am creating a website which uses imagej's modules on the client and server sides.
I am trying to change the default memory allocated for imagej(default 63MB) to a higher value(probably 1700MB). I tried modifying the setting in IJ_Props.txt. I cannot figure out where to modify it. I would appreciate any help on this.
>>>[hidden email] 08/03/05 11:02 am >>>
>i was wondering if there is a plugin or macro somewhere
>that saves the  histogram data of each individual slice of a
>stack into a file. I am  using imageJ under windows.
The StackHistogramLister macro at 
does this. I found this macro by searching the directory at 
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Re: Increasing default memory allocated to ImageJ

Baler, Kevin (NIH/NIMH) [E]
The memory allocation can be changed in the ImageJ.cfg file. You can open
this file in a text editor and modify the line

-Xmx63m -cp ij.jar ij.ImageJ


-Xmx1700m -cp ij.jar ij.ImageJ

Gali Baler
GC212 Bldg. 35 NIH
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: Balaji Gandhi [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: Increasing default memory allocated to ImageJ

Mr. Rasband/All,
I am creating a website which uses imagej's modules on the client and server
I am trying to change the default memory allocated for imagej(default 63MB)
to a higher value(probably 1700MB). I tried modifying the setting in
IJ_Props.txt. I cannot figure out where to modify it. I would appreciate any
help on this.