I work on calcium signalling and I'd need to view the t profile of more ROIs
simultaneously, to compare them since we have different cell populations
starting their response at different time points...
I remember an old plugin that allowed to show the z Profile of different
rois in the same window, but I cannot find it anywhere.
I suppose this plugin should be similar to the SinglePanelGelAnalyzer macro
(by Jerome Mutterer), which uses the Plot functions and the Roi Manager to
plot multiple gel lanes in a single window.
I also found another plugin (by Jan Eglinger), ThreeColorPlot, a macro that
creates profile plots of each channel of a color image and overlays the
plots in composite image.
I'm not so expert in writing plugins, but I suppose that using the
informations on these plugins should help writing this plugin...
Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance
Micaela Zonta