> Hello all
> Sorry if this query is extremely basic, but I have spent a
> long time searching the archives and reading the
> instruction manuals and can't find a clear answer, so I
> thought someone here may be able to quickly solve my
> problem!
> I need to measure tooth dimensions from digitised panoramic
> radiographs. The method I'm using looks like this:
http://n2.nabble.com/file/n4035332/cr%2Bratio%2Bmethod.jpg >
> Is there a simple way in ImageJ to draw the perpendicular
> lines on the image and then record the measurements to
> calculate the ratio of crown length to root length? I
> don't want the perpendicular lines to remain on the image
> after I've done the measurement as I need to do each tooth,
> and they are quite close together on a panoramic
> radiograph.
> Hoping that someone is able to help and apologies if my
> query is extremely basic!
> Thanks in advance
There is a macro set at
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/ToothRootToCrownRatio.txtthat does this. There is an example dental radiograph at
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/images/DentalRadiograph.pngThe macro set requires ImageJ 1.43m, which adds the Overlay.size() and
Overlay.removeSelection() macro functions.