Is it possible to measure angles in 3D ?

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Is it possible to measure angles in 3D ?

Abhijit Bugde
Hello All,

I have recorded z-stacks and I need to measure angles of the dividing
cells wrt tubules which are near the cells going thorough the entire z-

Would appreaciate any comments.

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Re: Is it possible to measure angles in 3D ?


On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, Abhijit Bugde wrote:

> I have recorded z-stacks and I need to measure angles of the dividing
> cells wrt tubules which are near the cells going thorough the entire z-
> stack.

If you want to measure angles by selecting 3 points (where the middle
point is the vertex), try this tool (you need to install it with

-- snip --

var angle_coords = newArray(9);
var angle_index = 0;

macro '3D Angle Tool - C111L0fb4L0fffLafacL9b9aD89L0011L1102L0213L1304L4233L3344L5054' {

        getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags);
        angle_coords[angle_index++] = x;
        angle_coords[angle_index++] = y;
        angle_coords[angle_index++] = z;
        if (angle_index == 3)
                showStatus("selected first end point: " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z);
        else if (angle_index == 6)
                showStatus("selected vertex: " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z);
        else {
                angle_coords[3] -= angle_coords[0];
                angle_coords[4] -= angle_coords[1];
                angle_coords[5] -= angle_coords[2];

                angle_coords[6] -= angle_coords[0];
                angle_coords[7] -= angle_coords[1];
                angle_coords[8] -= angle_coords[2];

                // scalar product
                product = angle_coords[3] * angle_coords[6]
                        + angle_coords[4] * angle_coords[7]
                        + angle_coords[5] * angle_coords[8];
                length1 = sqrt(angle_coords[3] * angle_coords[3]
                                + angle_coords[4] * angle_coords[4]
                                + angle_coords[5] * angle_coords[5]);
                length2 = sqrt(angle_coords[6] * angle_coords[6]
                                + angle_coords[7] * angle_coords[7]
                                + angle_coords[8] * angle_coords[8]);

                degrees = acos(product / length1 / length2) * 45 / atan(1);
                showStatus("3d angle is " + degrees + " degrees");
                angle_index = 0;
-- snap --
