change the image order of a loaded sequence

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change the image order of a loaded sequence

Heiko Gleitsmann
Hi all,

I want to load an image sequence in another order.
That means the last at first and so on. Does sombody knows how to realize?

regards heiko
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Re: change the image order of a loaded sequence

Raymond Lillard
Heiko Gleitsmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to load an image sequence in another order.
> That means the last at first and so on. Does sombody knows how to realize?

Are you on MS Windows?  If so and you are selecting
a sequentially numbered set of files in the Explorer
and you want to reverse the order, start at the bottom
rather than at the top when selecting the group of files,
then drag the selected files over ImageJ and drop.

Hope this helps, a little more information from you would
help others help you, better.

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Re: change the image order of a loaded sequence

Robert Dougherty
In reply to this post by Heiko Gleitsmann
You might try Stack Sorter from
Robert P. Dougherty, Ph.D.
President, OptiNav, Inc.
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: "Heiko Gleitsmann" <[hidden email]>
Date:         Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:26:45
To:[hidden email]
Subject: change the image order of a loaded sequence

Hi all,

I want to load an image sequence in another order.
That means the last at first and so on. Does sombody knows how to realize?

regards heiko
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Re: change the image order of a loaded sequence

Heiko Gleitsmann
Hi Robert,

thanks a lot. That´s what I#m looking for ;-)


2006/8/22, Robert Dougherty <[hidden email]>:

> You might try Stack Sorter from
> Bob
> Robert P. Dougherty, Ph.D.
> President, OptiNav, Inc.
> [hidden email]
> (425)467-1118
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Heiko Gleitsmann" <[hidden email]>
> Date:         Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:26:45
> To:[hidden email]
> Subject: change the image order of a loaded sequence
> Hi all,
> I want to load an image sequence in another order.
> That means the last at first and so on. Does sombody knows how to realize?
> --
> regards heiko

* *********************************
* Heiko Gleitsmann c/o Kramer
* Wohlgemuthstr. 19
* 12437 Berlin

* phone: 030/99190249
* mobile: 0719/7013401
* ICQ: 342985916
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