On the "ROI manager" press "More..."=> "Remove Slice Info" This removes the
slice sensitivity from the Rois in the manager.
2011/2/8 John Oreopoulos <
[hidden email]>
> My apologies, the online documentation does indeed show that the recorded
> ROIs are slice-sensitive, but is there a way to turn this feature off such
> that I can apply the same ROI at will to any slice without having to scroll
> back manually?
> John Oreopoulos
> On 2011-02-08, at 3:53 PM, John Oreopoulos wrote:
> > Hi, I'm using ImageJ version 1.45a3 and I've noticed something that may
> or may not be a bug. I have an 8-bit stack consisting of 3 images. I create
> a region of interest in slice 1 and create a record of this ROI in the ROI
> manager. I click off the image and remove the ROI. When I scroll to slice 2
> or slice 3 and recreate the ROI using the record in the ROI manager, the ROI
> is created, but the stack scrolls back to slice 1. Is this the normal
> function of the ROI manager or is it a bug? Just wondering.
> >
> > John Oreopoulos
> > Research Assistant
> > Spectral Applied Research
> > Richmond HIll, Ontario
> > Canada
Dr. Stoyan P. Pavlov, MD
Departament of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov", Varna
Prof. Marin Drinov Str.55
9002 Varna
Tel: +359 (0) 52 - 677 - 050 #2638
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