Main menu font size - can it be enlarged?

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Main menu font size - can it be enlarged?

Jacqueline Ross
Dear All,


I am doing a presentation at a conference in a couple of days and want
to demonstrate a couple of things in ImageJ.


I can enlarge the submenu items by going to Edit - Options - Appearance
- Menu Font Size and that works really well. I have selected 18 points.

However, the main menu items (File, Edit, Process, etc.) seem to shrink
rather than enlarge.


Is there a way to sort this out?



Kind regards,




Jacqueline Ross

Biomedical Imaging Microscopist
Biomedical Imaging Research Unit
School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019

Tel: 64 9 373 7599 Ext 87438
Fax: 64 9 373 7484