Isolating Specific Regions in an Image and Measuring Their Areas

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Isolating Specific Regions in an Image and Measuring Their Areas

Justin Zhou Yong
I would like to isolate regions in images so that I can measure their areas. I had tried by varying the threshold but to no avail as the colours of the images are very similar. I am now using the polygon tool to enclose the desired area and measuring the area directly. I find this method rather tedious especially when working with many images. Are there more efficient way to go about measuring the areas? I have attached 2 images; 1 with the desired areas highlighted and the other is the original image. Thanks

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Image.jpg (368K) Download Attachment
Image(Original).JPG (269K) Download Attachment
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Re: Isolating Specific Regions in an Image and Measuring Their Areas

José María Mateos
2014/1/23 Justin <[hidden email]>:
> I would like to isolate regions in images so that I can measure their areas. I had tried by varying the threshold but to no avail as the colours of the images are very similar. I am now using the polygon tool to enclose the desired area and measuring the area directly. I find this method rather tedious especially when working with many images. Are there more efficient way to go about measuring the areas? I have attached 2 images; 1 with the desired areas highlighted and the other is the original image. Thanks

I think the Weka machine learning segmentator might be worth a try. If
you have Fiji, it is already included.



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Re: Isolating Specific Regions in an Image and Measuring Their Areas

Justin Zhou Yong
In reply to this post by Justin Zhou Yong
Thanks for the suggestion. I would give it a try.

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