On Apr 13, 2010, at 8:22 PM, ashaner wrote:
> In NIH Image for Mac, you could use the 0, 1, 2, etc. keys to slow down or
> speed up an animation. Does anyone know if there is a similar shortcut for
> ImageJ?
You can create keyboard shortcuts that control animation speed by adding the flowing macros to the end of the ImageJ/macros/StartupMacros.txt file.
macro "1 fps [1]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=1 start");}
macro "2 fps [2]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=2 start");}
macro "5 fps [3]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=5 start");}
macro "7.5 fps [4]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=7.5 start");}
macro "10 fps [5]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=10 start");}
macro "15 fps [6]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=15 start");}
macro "20 fps [7]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=20 start");}
macro "30 fps [8]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=30 start");}
macro "60 fps [9]" {run("Animation Options...", "speed=60 start");}