OK, so the problem was my 8-bit Color images came from a previous 0-1
binary image and i needed to reset min and max.
Thanks a lot Wayne!
Gabriel Landini wrote:
> On Thursday 13 November 2008 16:04:23 Ignacio Arganda Carreras wrote:
>> I have a small question about a change-of-type behavior in ImageJ. I
>> have a 8-bit Color Stack, when I convert it to RGB Color, it loses all
>> colors. Is that normal?
>> When I do the same with an individual image, it conserves the color.
> Hola Ignacio,
> I can make an 8 bit colour stack by loading a greyscale stack then convert to
> RGB, then to 8bit colour.
> If convert this back to RGB, the colours are still there.
> It seems to work OK here (running the 1.42b daily build).
> Cheers,
> G
Ignacio Arganda-Carreras
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Laboratorio B-408 Phone: (+34) 91 497 2260
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ctra. de Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15
Madrid 28049, Spain
[hidden email]