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Bo de Lange
Can I permanently add a LUT to the Image-Lookup tables menu?
If not, how do I easily apply a LUT, that's not in the menu, to all my
open images?

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Elena Kardash
 hi, Bo,
i had the same question ann could not add the desired lut to the menu,  
instead  i run the macro: it calls the desired lut from the Lookup_Tables
plugin in the ImageJ
for example:
it applies to the activated image but maybe you could apply it to all ...

> Can I permanently add a LUT to the Image-Lookup tables menu?
> If not, how do I easily apply a LUT, that's not in the menu, to all my
> open images?
> Bo
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Gabriel Landini
There may be a simpler way but this should also work.

1. Make a *plugin* that only applies the LUT you wish or runs the macro you
2. Compress the plugin class into a zip archive
3. Look at the jar examples in the IJ website how to write the plugins.conf
file so the entry appears in the menu.
4. Add the plugins.conf file to the zip archive.
5. Rename the zip file as ".jar"
6. Restart IJ.


> > Can I permanently add a LUT to the Image-Lookup tables menu?
> > If not, how do I easily apply a LUT, that's not in the menu, to all my
> > open images?
> >
> > Bo
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Kurt De Vos
You could just add them in the ij_props.tx file that is in the IJ.jar


# Plugins installed in the Image/Lookup Tables submenu
lookup05="3-3-2 RGB",ij.plugin.LutLoader("3-3-2 RGB")
lookup14="Invert LUT",ij.plugin.LutLoader("invert")
lookup15="Apply LUT",ij.plugin.filter.LutApplier


On 29 Mar 2006, at 11:07, Gabriel Landini wrote:

> There may be a simpler way but this should also work.
> 1. Make a *plugin* that only applies the LUT you wish or runs the  
> macro you
> wish.
> 2. Compress the plugin class into a zip archive
> 3. Look at the jar examples in the IJ website how to write the  
> plugins.conf
> file so the entry appears in the menu.
> 4. Add the plugins.conf file to the zip archive.
> 5. Rename the zip file as ".jar"
> 6. Restart IJ.
> Cheers,
> G.
>>> Can I permanently add a LUT to the Image-Lookup tables menu?
>>> If not, how do I easily apply a LUT, that's not in the menu, to  
>>> all my
>>> open images?
>>> Bo

University of Sheffield
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Jerome Mutterer
In reply to this post by Bo de Lange

You can sort of override ImageJ open command with the following macro,  
which can be run by pressing 'F1'. You can also add this macro to  
StartupMacros.txt so that it is installed every time you start ImageJ.


macro "Open with LUT [F1]" {
if (bitDepth()==8)

}Quoting Elena Kardash <[hidden email]>:

>  hi, Bo,
> i had the same question ann could not add the desired lut to the menu,
> instead  i run the macro: it calls the desired lut from the Lookup_Tables
> plugin in the ImageJ
> folder.
> for example:
> open("/location/ImageJ/plugins/Lookup_Tables/Blue_Green_Red.lut");
> it applies to the activated image but maybe you could apply it to all ...
>  elena
> -------------------
>> Can I permanently add a LUT to the Image-Lookup tables menu?
>> If not, how do I easily apply a LUT, that's not in the menu, to all my
>> open images?
>> Bo
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Bo de Lange
Thanks for your input. I would not want to open all my images with my
specific lut, so what I've done is I've added two macros to my
StartupMacros so that I can switch between the normal 'Grays' lut and my
specific lut at the press of their assinged function key. It only works
on the active image, but I can live with that.


Jerome Mutterer wrote:

> Bo,
> You can sort of override ImageJ open command with the following macro,
> which can be run by pressing 'F1'. You can also add this macro to
> StartupMacros.txt so that it is installed every time you start ImageJ.
> Jerome.
> macro "Open with LUT [F1]" {
> open();
> if (bitDepth()==8)
> open("/location/ImageJ/plugins/Lookup_Tables/Blue_Green_Red.lut");
> }
> }Quoting Elena Kardash <[hidden email]>:
>>  hi, Bo,
>> i had the same question ann could not add the desired lut to the menu,
>> instead  i run the macro: it calls the desired lut from the
>> Lookup_Tables
>> plugin in the ImageJ
>> folder.
>> for example:
>> open("/location/ImageJ/plugins/Lookup_Tables/Blue_Green_Red.lut");
>> it applies to the activated image but maybe you could apply it to all
>> ...
>>  elena
>> -------------------
>>> Can I permanently add a LUT to the Image-Lookup tables menu?
>>> If not, how do I easily apply a LUT, that's not in the menu, to all my
>>> open images?
>>> Bo

R.P.J. de Lange, PhD
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neurosciences
P.O. box 80040
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands

visiting address:
Stratenum, room 4.241
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3584 CG Utrecht

tel: +31-30-253 8924
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