MIJI: launch Macro

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MIJI: launch Macro

Emanuele Martini
Hi to all,
How can I launch a macro using Miji?
I have a macro that works in FIJI that get some parameters as a string;
like that:
runMacro("WH_imagej_AUTO_ema_MEDIAN_macro","image_path="+image_path+" saving_path="+saving_path+" R_median="+R_median+" R_variance="+R_variance)

in ijm language I have to use runMacro, but I don't find an analogue in MIJI.
I try with that:
MIJ.run(macro_path,strcat('image_path=',image_path,' saving_path=',saving_path,' R_median=',R_median,' R_variance=',R_variance));

image_path='/Users/emartini/Documents/emanueleM/WH_exp/Cecilia_Savorani/old/6nov2014/YAP WT CTR/WT CTR s2.tif'

But the FIJI instance says to me: "unrecognized command"...

Is there a way to do that?
Have a nice day,
Emanuele Martini
Image Analyst @Ifom-IEO research campus -MI-
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Re: MIJI: launch Macro

Emanuele Martini
I found a solution:
after having setting-up Miji,
you can construct an IJ instance in matlab


strcat('image_path=',image_path,' saving_path=',saving_path,' R_median=',R_median,' R_variance=',R_variance);
you don't have to use the ijm syntax "+variable+"

remember to use java string.
And it works ;)

Have a nice week,
Emauele Martini
Image Analyst @Ifom-IEO research campus -MI-