MRI Analysis Calcutator

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MRI Analysis Calcutator

Lucas N. Silva

I am using the Old MRI Calculator Analysis plugin for ImageJ for
calculating T2 values of a series of patients, which of them with 10
multiecho slices.
I tryed to write a macro that would generate and save all the maps, so I
could draw ROIs and get an histogram.
Thru the <macro recording> option I got:
run("MRI Analysis Calculator", "=Stack (x).tif =[0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1
0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25] =0 =0.300");

That line returns a window with a series of Java error codes. I am
wondering whether are parameters missing before the "equals" or is there
another way of writing that command.
Thanks in advance,
Lucas Silva.