MTF from a edge test device

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MTF from a edge test device

Gabriel Frei
Hi all

Is there a easy way, to get the MTF of a single Image with a single Edge in
The way, how to get the MTF over ESF and LSF is described in the paper:

E. Samei, A method for measuring the presampled MTF of digital
radiographic systems using an edge test deviceĀ³, Med. Phys. 25, 102-113

Is therefore e plug-in available or has somebody a recommendation how I
could proceed?
I know, there other programs to do this, but I like to do this with IJ.

Thanks for the help.

Cheers, Gabriel
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ImageJ Control of NIKON Camera

B. Prabhakar Pandian
         Does anybody have a plugin to control NIKON Camera from ImageJ





B. Prabhakar Pandian
CFD Research Corporation
Biomedical Technology
215 Wynn Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Ph: 256-726-4942
Fax: 256-726-4806