Macro Language | Fast array filtering

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Macro Language | Fast array filtering

Rainer M. Engel
Hello everyone,

I came across another way to enhance the speed of a macro in case one
wants to filter for certain files in a directory.

1.) You may want to open a dir (i.e. recursive if you like). The result
would be an array of files called "list1".

2.) The macro below speeded up my script by a magnitude compared to
Array.concat oder string appending concepts.

//Clean list1 to retrieve only actual workfiles
list2 = Array.copy(list1); //copy list1
listC = 0; //listCounter for found elements
for (i=0; i<list1.length; i++) {
        if (matches(list1[i], ".*.tif")) { //condition to filter by
                list2[listC] = list1[i];
list2 = Array.trim(list2, listC);
print("File(s) found: "+list1.length+", "+list2.length+" to work on..");

Maybe some of you find this usefull.

Best Regards,

Rainer M. Engel, Dipl. Digital Artist

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