Macro changes, 5D to hyperstack

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Macro changes, 5D to hyperstack


Can anyone tell me what needs to be done to run the following macro in 1.5?  I keep getting an error that my 3-channel 16-bit TIFF is not an image5D.  I am also trying to remove the calibration scaling from the image but " toUnscaled(x,y); " does not seem to register as a command.



Timothy Feinstein, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
University of Pittsburgh Department of Developmental Biology

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Re: Macro changes, 5D to hyperstack

Michael Schmid
Hi Tim,

your macro works well with the Open Samples>HeLa cells image (3*16bits).
I tried both ImageJ 1.51f; Java 1.6.0_65 [64-bit] and ImageJ 1.51a1;
Java 1.5.0_09 [32-bit].

By the way, you can get almost the same result as your macro with the
Multi-Point Tool and then (after selecting all points) a more simple
macro with the getSelectionCoordinates macro function.

For removing the scale, try the macro recorder. If you press 'Click to
remove scale', it records:
   run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel");

On 2016-09-01 17:49, Feinstein, Timothy N wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me what needs to be done to run the following macro
> in 1.5?  I keep getting an error that my 3-channel 16-bit TIFF is not
> an image5D.  I am also trying to remove the calibration scaling from
> the image but " toUnscaled(x,y); " does not seem to register as a
> command.
> Thanks!
> Tim
> Timothy Feinstein, Ph.D. Research Scientist University of Pittsburgh
> Department of Developmental Biology

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