I'm new to ImageJ and just recently discovered it. I am in need of a macro that uses the color deconvolution function and Voxel Counter to calculate the area of H&E vs. DAB. From my limited ablities, I was only able to do this with two separate macros. Is it possible to make one single macro that calculates the DAB area, record the numbers and then calculate the Hemo stain and also record it to save me a few clicks? Below is copies of my macros. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a feeling this is already made or available somewhere and that I just don't know where to look for it.
macro: 1
run("Colour Deconvolution", "vectors=[H&E DAB]");
setThreshold(0, 132);
run("Voxel Counter");
macro: 2
setThreshold(0, 200);
run("Voxel Counter");